According to the Richardson ISD website, the schools for this property would be:
Prestonwood Elementary 6525 La Cosa Dr. Dallas, TX 75248 469-593-6700 |
School Boundaries Map Web Site |
Junior High
Managed Choice6 between two schools | School Boundaries | |
Parkhill Junior High 16500 Shadybank Dr. Dallas, TX 75248 469-593-5600 |
Map Web Site |
Westwood Junior High: The Math, Science, Leadership Magnet 7630 Arapaho Rd. Dallas, TX 75248 469-593-3600 |
Map Web Site |
High School
Managed Choice9 between two schools | School Boundaries | |
Pearce High School 1600 N. Coit Rd. Richardson, TX 75080 469-593-5000 |
Map Web Site |
Richardson High School 1250 W. Beltline Rd. Richardson, TX 75080 469-593-3000 |
Map Web Site |
Terms used in some search results:
1,2,3,4,5 Choice
Students residing in a Choice attendance area have the unfettered one-time option to choose, within a range of choices, which particular school or feeder school they wish to attend.
6,7,8,9 Managed Choice
Students residing in a Managed Choice attendance area have the one-time option to choose, within a range of choices, which particular school or feeder school they wish to attend, but their choice of schools may be managed by central administration to achieve specific results. Students new to the District may contact the Office for Special Projects to obtain their managed choice assignment. Call 469-593-0442.
10 Relocation
Students residing at specific addresses within one attendance area are relocated to another neighborhood school; transportation is provided when this school is more than two miles from their residence. Students new to the District should enroll directly at the school to which they have been relocated.
*Map links lead to a third-party web site. RISD is not responsible for the content or accuracy of third-party web sites, and does not endorse retail or commercial ventures that may be promoted on such sites.
**School boundary maps are large files that may take a long time to load if you are not using a fast Internet connection.
Although every effort has been made to ensure accurate data, the results presented by this search tool are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate for all addresses at all times. If you cannot locate your schools using this system, or you have a question about the schools presented in the search results for a given address, please call the RISD Communications Department at 469-593-0301 or check with any RISD school. You can also email us with questions at